Christmas Gift Guide 2024

My Christmas Guide 2024

Santa need some Inspo? I got you! Here is my christmas gift guide for under 5s this year.

My Christmas Gift Guide 2024

Welcome to my Christmas gift guide 2024. I have included some of my favourite toy ranges from various shops and small businesses. 

The Main Present

One of the main advantages of buying gifts for a two-year-old is that you can go big and beyond without breaking the bank. For Jasmine's first Christmas, I treated her to a pink ballpit which was an immense hit. This year, I intend to get Jasmine the Wooden Peppa Pig House as her main present. One of her favourite role play set-ups at the moment is Peppa Pig World or as she calls it - her ‘Peppa Piggies’. This will be Rosies first Christmas and she will be around 6 months old so I plan on buying her a baby walker and my parents plan to get her a baby jumper. More main gifts I have pondered getting for my eldest include a beautiful new dolls pram, tent, Tonies box or a Pony Cycle.


Smyths Softplay

Last Christmas, I stumbled across the Play Factory exclusive to Smyths Toys Superstores. Jasmine has considerably enjoyed her Play Factory foldable mat Santa brought her last year or as she calls it her 'rainbow road'. Recently they extended their range with balance beams and sensory floor play tiles, all of which i do plan on collecting for her. I know it won't be long until Rosie can join in the tumbling fun so it's a collection I'm excited to grow for the girls.



My eldest girl has always loved playing with her dolls, even more so since our beautiful Rosie was born and she got a little taste of sisterhood. Jasmine emulates nearly everything i do with her baby sister making her own baby dolls a new favourite game to play. I love that about my little girl and i want to encourage her to continue caring for her babies just as her mummy does which is why i will be adding a new baby doll and plenty accsessories to play with this Christmas. 


Kitchen Play

My little girl adores her little pink wooden kitchen. Its one of her most used toys as she intergrates it into whatever game shes playing. Its where she serves lunch for her dollys and teas and coffees for mummy. She uses her sink to bath her babies, i even caught her using it as a swimming pool for her peppa pig figurines.  Roleplay is such an imperitive way to nurture your childs imagination which is why i too love her play kitchen so much and believe it is the perfect addition to any family home with children of similair age groups. Jasmines kitchen was gifted to her by my parents last christmas along with some of the essential accessories and this year i plan to build on that. I will link below jasmines kitchen as well as some of my favourite kitchen accessories, some of which she already owns and what i would love to collect for her. 



There are so many toys and games for your children that promote educational benifits such as puzzles and interactive books. Jasmine is fond of one youtuber in particular that uses two puzzles in particular to boost learning phonics and numbers. Luckly i found the two very famous puzzles located in Smyths! Another favourite toy of Jasmine's from this Christmas past was 'TOMY Toomies Hide and Squeak Eggs' that encouraged her knowledge in shapes and colours. I have linked all three down below. 


Other Toys

I have left links below for any other extra toys i have picked up for the girls so far!


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I first became a single mother last November. I was two months pregnant, and my daughter was just over a year and a half old. I have had a rollercoaster of emotions since, wondering if I made the right choice, not for me but for my girls.

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Becoming a first-time mother is like stepping into the wilderness. As for a second-time mother, it's a leap of faith. Unraveling the truth behind your second baby..

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